Blue Days
For Mirror Mirror Magazine: Sometimes in life we can just be demotivated, feel tired, emotional or mad at the world. This series is an ode to those days as we need them for our growth. We wanted to show that there is also beauty in them. Let us take you on a journey through our different moods during the blue days of our lives.
Photographer: Ines Vansteenkiste-Muylle Assisted by: Rowan Brugmans, Emma Schouten & Victoria Meyer
Styling: Andreia Chanel Assisted by: Liwia Labuz Make-up: Minou Meijers Assisted by: Maria Smorodskaia
Nails: Ellen Van Berkel Hair: Eldridge Mullenhof Assisted by: Felitia Grace AI artist: Quim Espanol
Talents: Candice Vrolijk @ The Force Models, Thu Anh @ Let it go & Julie Hoogenberk @ New Generation Model Management Bv