Ines’ idea to start a photo project in a social housing area originated when she did a summer job in Molendreef, Rillaar in 2017. During her job, she played with the children from the area. Through the local social worker, she got in touch with some families. Ines learned about communities like this through exchanging stories. She kept going back to document them. In 2019-2020 she took a styling team and secondhand clothing to show the teenagers how to represent themselves in the way they want to with a low budget.
This project started in 2017 in a social housing area in Rillaar, called Molendreef. Ines’ interest in the community around the area originated when she did her summer job there. During the job she played with the local children and quickly became interested in the lives of the residents of the Molendreef area. Being touched by several stories she wanted to get to know the people to tell their story and have their voice heard. By connecting with the local social worker she got in touch with several families and had the chance to get to know them better by exchanging stories. After listening to her subjects and making sure they got at ease she documented the people she met. Ines visited the area several times between 2017 and 2019 which led to a series where u could see the children of the area grow up into youngsters that are more aware of their presence. Seeing this and keeping in mind that the youngsters weren’t the most fortunate of all when it comes to financial freedom she decided to give something back to them by collaborating with a stylist and a make-up artist. By dressing them up in 2nd hand clothing, giving them proper make-up and providing them with a fashion-styled shoot she wanted to make them feel you don’t have to a model to feel pretty and that expressing yourself and your personal style doesn’t have to be expensive. By doing these photoshoots, she saw the youngsters grew more confidence.
Seen at:
FOMU Antwerp (Nightwatch 2020) (sponsored by Vlaams Journalistiek Fonds)
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